Author Archives: electric

several electrician tools

Common Hand Tools Used By Electricians

No matter the project, you need the right tools to get the job done right. Whether you’re a contractor or a do-it-yourselfer, having the proper equipment is essential to getting a job done quickly and correctly. This is especially true when it comes to electrical work. Installing or repairing wiring requires suitable equipment both for safety and efficiency.

In this blog, we’ll cover the most commonly used tools for electrical work. From simple screwdrivers to complex multimeters, here are some must-haves for every electrician’s toolbox:

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An electrician inspects a Faraday cage.

How Do Faraday Cages Work?

Do you know what a Faraday cage is? It’s a cage or enclosure that is used for protecting electronic equipment and people alike. While that might seem like magic, there are many scientific principles at play. If you’re curious, here is how a Faraday cage works, how it was invented, and some of the many uses it has.

What is a Faraday Cage?

A Faraday cage is an enclosure made with a chain-link fence, fine wire mesh, or other metal designed to shield people from electromagnetic fields. Faraday cages work by absorbing the electrical charges and evenly distributing them throughout the exterior of the cage. 

When this charge is dispersed throughout the exterior of the cage, the electric charges inside the enclosure are canceled out, which prevents external electrical fields from entering. As a result, Faraday cages work by protecting electronic equipment and living people.

Who Invented the Faraday Cage?

The first person to make strides in the discovery and creation of the Faraday cage was Benjamin Franklin. He had always been interested in electricity and lightning strikes, and that fascination led to a pivotal experiment in 1775. Benjamin Franklin lowered a cork ball, tethered by a silk thread, into an electrically charged metal pint can. When the ball touched the bottom, it wasn’t electrified but was drawn to the surface of the can when Franklin held it near the exterior. 

You may be curious how a cork ball on a string would lead to something that protects electronic equipment. Still, it wouldn’t be until 90 years later that an English chemist and physicist, the scientist Micheal Faraday, would discover the significance of Franklin’s experiment. Faraday had moved into the theater of the royal institute of London in January of 1836 and conducted a groundbreaking experiment in the basement. 

After covering an entire room with metal foil and striking it with an electrostatic generator, Faraday found that only the outside was charged. Faraday conducted several more experiments in the future, including a larger recreation of Franklin’s, and created the Faraday Cage, which bears his name.

How are Faraday Cages Used?

Now that you understand how a Faraday cage works, you might be curious about how such a niche concept can be utilized. There are many inventions that were made possible thanks to Faraday’s experiment, and even if you’ve never heard about it until now, you’ve likely encountered a Faraday cage in your daily life. Here are some of the ways that Faraday cages have been used to protect electronic equipment and people alike:

  • The microwave oven in your kitchen is a Faraday cage, but not in the typical sense. It’s designed to work in reverse by keeping the charges inside to cook food.
  • Magnetic resonance imagining, or MRI, are also Faraday cages. By keeping out unneeded electromagnetic fields, hospitals can generate accurate diagnostic images for patients.
  • Airplanes are safe to fly because of their aluminum Faraday cage. As the Faraday shield prevents lightning strikes from reaching the interior of the plane, it is capable of protecting the electronic equipment needed to keep the aircraft in flight, and most importantly, the passengers inside.

If you need an electrical inspection or the assistance of an emergency electrician in Philadelphia, reach out to A-1 Electric today!

My Generator Won’t Start — What Do I Do?

Generators are a great way to keep the lights on in case of a power outage. However, there are times when generators won’t start, preventing them from operating when they are needed most and, in turn, causing your appliances and electronics not to function correctly. 

There are multiple reasons why a generator might stop working, so trying to pinpoint the exact reason why can be tricky. Here are eight problems a generator inspection might find that explain why your generator is not working correctly.

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A Lightning Storm

Top 5 Electrical Issues Caused by Storms

“It was a dark and stormy night, and throughout the city, the power went out.”

With the right planning and help from licensed electricians, you’ll never have to worry about this scary story coming true at your house. A-1 Electric will send an emergency electrician in Philadelphia to the rescue, rain or shine. Additionally, we can show you how to protect your home from power surges and other electrical issues caused by storms.

Electrical Issues Caused by Storms

Storms bring rain, high winds, and lightning that can cause a power surge or start a fire if lightning strikes your home. If you suspect you have lightning damage to electrical equipment at your home or business, call the fire department and evacuate the building. Then, call A-1 Electric for residential and commercial electrical contractors in Philadelphia, PA, to check the breaker box for signs of electrical damage.

Here are five common electrical issues caused by storms and how to handle them.

Power Outages

High winds can tear down power lines, and heavy rain softens the ground, causing uprooted trees to fall. This can lead to electrical problems or a fire hazard if left unaddressed. Fallen trees can also damage power lines or electrical equipment at your home.

We suggest a backup power source that can keep your appliances running throughout the emergency. Generators supply power, even if you have thrown circuits in your electrical panel. After the storm, our reliable technicians can repair any electrical damage.

Lightning Damage to Electrical Equipment

Lightning damage to electrical equipment results from a lack of surge protection for your home, business, or industrial complex. With a surge protector, you can save your electrical wiring from being fried during a lightning strike.

When lightning strikes your home or business, it may cause a power surge that fries your electrical wiring, including the delicate equipment in your electrical box. Further, surges can damage appliances and electronics, costing you thousands of dollars in repair or replacement costs. A-1 Electric technicians can install a lightning arrestor and other power surge protection to direct electricity away from your property to safe ground.

Beware of Fire

Power surges can damage your appliances, as noted above. However, they can also cause short circuits in your electrical panel that create a fire hazard. Lightning generates tremendous heat, leaving your property vulnerable to fire damage. To protect your family, employees, or customers, it’s important to take precautions to prevent an electrical fire.

Excessive Water and Electrical Shorts

During a storm, excessive water can pool on your roof or cascade through cracks in your walls or foundation. This can cause electrical lines to become saturated, leaving your property vulnerable to a short circuit and other damage. To protect your home or business against leaks in a storm, it’s important to repair any structural issues with your home or building. Additionally, our licensed and insured electricians can inspect your entire electrical system, make repairs, and suggest changes to prevent future electrical problems after a storm.

Lack of Backup Power Source

Food spoilage in freezers and fridges can cost you hundreds of dollars. So, if you have refrigerated medication or other essential items dependent on electricity, it’s time to invest in a portable generator or whole-house generator to keep your electricity flowing.

It’s important to take precautions to protect your home or business from lightning damage to electrical equipment and other problems caused by storms. Let us help you take the necessary steps to do so.

A-1 Electric is a family-owned business passed down for multiple generations. Contact us for advice on how to weatherproof your electrical system and for all your residential, commercial, and industrial electrical projects.