The Risks of Handling Your Own Electrical Work

Whether you need a simple rewiring project done or you want to install a new breaker box, you should never take on electrical work on your own. The dangers associated with trying to perform electrical maintenance are simply not worth the risk, and that’s not all! Performing electrical work without the proper permits and required work site inspections is illegal in Pennsylvania!

Many homeowners believe that doing the work themselves will save both time and money. Unfortunately, the truth is that handling your own electrical work can cause everything from damage to your home to serious, life-threatening injuries. It can also result in legal trouble, including fines and court costs, if you are found to be working without a permit.

When you call out an experienced electrician, you pay them for their experience and their professionalism. Part of maintaining their business is remaining in compliance with the law. Also, since they know what they’re doing, the work often takes a small fraction of the time it would take someone with little to no experience. If you were to try and switch out some wires in your home, for example, you may need to set aside a weekend or more, depending on the home and the wires. Experienced electricians (like the master electricians we employ at A-1 Electric) can come out, do an electrical inspection in Chester County, and have an idea of how long it would take within a few minutes. 

The time expense of doing your own electrical work is often the least costly part of DIY-ing your electrical work. Electrical systems require precision and expertise to handle. If you aren’t experienced and trained, you might end up seriously hurting yourself — or worse. 

If you need a repair or electrical inspection in Montgomery County or a neighboring county, don’t attempt to do your own electrical work. Instead, call in the experts here at A-1 Electric. We know how to fix electrical issues and have been serving the people and businesses in the area since 1955. At A-1 Electric, we pride ourselves on our ability to save you time and money — and you’ll sleep with the peace-of-mind that comes along with knowing that your home is safe. 

Contact us today to learn more or schedule your appointment!